Ry's Wee Page o' Fun
Fellow Leprechauns:

Who is Ryan?
I be a high-tech 6723 year old leprechaun named Ryan. I travel the web far and wide to find me a comfortable resting hole. After years of searching I's found me this spot. If you wants to be leaving alive, I suggest pressing that back button now, otherwise: fear the wrath of the leprechaun..

Can you be more specific?
Me full name is really Ryan William Fitzpatrick. I was born Friday, March 17, 1397 in Dublin, Ireland. I have 100 gold coins and I get really ticked off when someone steals them from me.

My head
My body
What's with that picture?
That picture was taken when I was a wee 3 years old and I gots into some puddin' I shouldn't have. But I's gotta say-- "It was some good puddin'" Luckily, I kept me hat and me shoes nice and clean.

Are you the only Leprechaun?
No, there's a bunch of queer leprechauns like Lucky's Evil twin but there's really nothing we can do about that is there? Well, actually there is. Play the Kill Unlucky game and do him his justice.

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